My Research

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Quantifying Internal Phosphorus Loading Rates in Large Lakes and Reservoirs Across the Conterminous United States

Developed a machine learning based predictive framework to estimate internal phosphorus loading, total phosphorus, and bottom temperature across large water bodies in the US.

Characterizing and Projecting Internal Phosphorus Loading through Bayesian Mass balance Modeling

Developed a novel approach to quantify internal phosphorus loading in a water body, integrating a multi-segment reservoir model, long-term surface-water data, and a Bayesian inference framework. | Investigated the long-term phosphorus dynamics under different climate and loading management scenarios.

Development of a One-dimensional Ecological Model for Eutrophication Study in Deepor Beel, Assam

Experimental measurement of nutrients in water, plants, and sediment samples from 23 sampling stations in Deepor Beel (a Ramsar site) for about 1.5 years. | Developed a one-dimensional ecological model to understand the nutrient dynamics (nitrogen and phosphorus).

Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Deepor Beel, Assam, India

Experimental measurement of 7 heavy metals (Mg, Cr, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Pb) in water, plants, sediment, and fish samples from Deepor Beel (a Ramsar site).